Monday, August 5, 2013

8/4/13 New Heights

Today we flew! 

Out of Gillette, we high-tailed  it West through Wyoming on route 90. As we rode with the sun, we witnessed a mass migration of the two wheeled species of motorized vehicles heading East. Judging from the number of bikes going toward the Black Hills, we escaped just in time!

At Sheridan, we left the highway for a ticket to the clouds. The Big Horn National Forest, over a million acres of absolute American beauty, is traversed by a road that was created for bikers. Routes 14 and 14 A took us to the sky and back again. Soaring up to heights of over 9000 feet, we looked out over the basin below and we felt like we were observing it from flight. The ice cream on the cake with this road is that it is all excellent highway, with little traffic on this Sunday. 

Surrounded by legions of wild flowers, we gloried in the sun and the charm of today's picnic spot. Relaxed and mesmerized, we found it difficult to leave. 

But on we went! Just as we were rolling into some serious switchbacks  and 10% downgrades, Jules saw a side road and said, "This looks like it would be fun"! "I don't think so!" said me. So up we went. Assuring me that it was OK because it was a paved road (single lane , crumbling shoulders, blind switchbacks, sheer drops off the side), Jules slowly maneuvered the cracking pavement as  I beat on his back, dug my fingers into his sides and close to hysteria, cried for him to turn around. When I thought all hope was gone, he found a spot to execute a u- turn and we were on our way down. Blinded by my histrionics, I had missed the beauty of the sights below. The Big Horn highway twisted down into the valley for miles and miles. I accepted the descent and rejoiced when we hit improved pavement!

Down, down into Cody where we are spending the night. Rodeos and cowboys are the main topic of conversation here ( along with motorcycles this week) and the locals mix freely with the tourists. Hundreds are spending the night on their way to Sturgis. We, conversely will head West tomorrow. 

Flying is not only reserved for birds and planes. Today we flew together through the clouds and our hearts soared with the heights.

Entering The Big Horn

We fly!


Our picnic friend!

The descent

Jules' "special" road

View from that special road


Buffalo Bill's " World Famous" Irma Hotel in Cody, Wy

Cody, WY

It wouldn't be Wyoming without Mountain Oysters!

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