Thursday, August 15, 2013

8/14/2013 There Is No Wrong Way

Rituals prescribe our mornings. After I procure the coffee, we begin our off-road day. While I finish my blog, Jules lovingly removes the thousands of bugs from Magic that we collected on our previous run. Bike and blog polished and published, we pack up, throw our legs over the saddle and ride out.

Packing out

Fair weather was our guide today as we reluctantly pulled away from the Flying Saddle Resort, a spot we would recommend to anyone. Route 89 was our guide for most of the ride. It lead us past picturesque ranches, nestled against the mountains and through small towns named Thayne, Afton and Smoot, boasting populations pushing the hundreds. Irrigated farmland lead to mountain passes in the Bridger-Teton National Forest for a cool morning adventure. Part of The Oregon Trail, this road carried me back into the history of struggling pioneers and their unquenchable desire to move West.

As we travelled South, the road swerved back into Idaho. The terrain changed drastically as rolling sage covered hills took over the vista. Miles of barren land, spotted with a few cattle, ensued. Through Paris, (no Eiffel Tower) ,we began to see signs for Bear Lake. Sometimes called The Caribbean of the Rockies, this 18 mile lake sits in Idaho and Utah. Uncannily blue water butts up to a mountain wall. Bathers sit on shoals and islands in the shallows along the edge. 

In awe of this strange lake in this strange land, we missed our turn to follow 89. Along the edge of Bear, we found our lunch spot in the shade and drank in the coolness provided. But back on Magic, we were dragged into the Utah desert where the heat choked us. Realizing our misdirection, we turned south again and rode back into Wyoming and onto route 80. 


Highways are not our favorite, but sometimes we take them out of necessity. We needed to get out of the desert fast. Strong crosswinds pummeled us and the bike as we rode. Jules wrangled Magic perfectly but the constant gusts wore us out. We took shelter in Green River, a small town surrounded by red buttes and bluffs. I feel like we are sleeping on the moon.

Because we live in tiny New Jersey, the scope of western states boggles the mind. We have been driving for days through three states to get to Colorado. But, our path has not always been straight and our determination to reach a goal has been sideswiped by an interesting detour or an enticing resort. Travelers without aim, we let the road dictate our future. It has not disappointed! 

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