Saturday, August 17, 2013

8/16/2013 Getting There

Some days you just have to get there the best way you can and in Colorado, the obstacle called the Rockies gives you few choices.

We started the day by highwaying it across route 70. This road always amazes me. An engineering feat, it crosses the state through mountains and amazing rock formations. At a small town named Rifle, we left the interstate and headed through the country on route 13. Through ranch land and barren hills, littered with wounded log cabins and decrepit mines, it took us north along the Routt National Forest to Craig. 

Route 70

Abandoned Mine

Lunch in a park at Craig was shared with kids on bicycles and friendly dogs.  After lunch we headed eastward toward Steamboat Springs via 40. Twisty country roads cut through the heat and a few clouds offered some relief. But by the time we reached Steamboat, we were both done in. 

One more leg of the journey brought us to Kremmling where we roost for the night. Just outside of Rocky Mountain National Park, we look forward to our climb tomorrow. The ubiquitous Mexican restaurant relaxed and cooled us with Marguerites and Dos Equis. Interesting!


One of the best parts of being on the road is the satisfaction that we take in simple pleasures. How relaxing it is to sit quietly at our picnic and then refreshed, to jump back on the bike. Coming into a cool motel room and kicking off our boots brings great joy. Then, to wash the grime from our hands and face renews us. If we're lucky, we have a clean pair of jeans for the next day and lots of in-room coffee to wake us up. Things that we take for granted at home become gifts not to be accepted lightly. Every day is a new lesson on the road. One we have learned is to appreciate the small things.

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