Thursday, August 1, 2013

7/31/2013 The Gift of Promise

Like Zombies we were transported to the Philadelphia airport at 4:15 AM to stand shuffling stiff- legged through security for what seemed hours. Our 2 hour layover in Chicago was enhanced by breakfast and Bloody Marys. Crammed into another plane, we patiently nodded to the drone of the engines, waiting for our escape.

Finally, Rapid City. A shuttle to our rendezvous with freedom, was driven by a man from our home town. Small world! At last we walked across the parking lot and there was Magic, glistening in the sun, just rescued from her travel torture. A promised lunch with Paul, the happy and most professional driver of the trailer that delivered our bike, and then the wind took us .

The release of travel tension was immediate as we navigated our way out of Rapid City and into the Black Hills. Familiar to us from previous trips, these roads that connect the small towns of Sturgis, Keystone, Deadwood, Hill City and Custer were as enchanting as ever. Through Keystone, we followed an uncharted  ( by us) road named Old Hill City Road. Up through farmland and forest, to our left we could see the mighty outcroppings that are the Needles and the behemoth granite slab that holds the faces of past presidents. We are saving these roads for another day.

Apparent everywhere are the signs of Sturgis, the largest motorcycle rally in the world. Empty storefronts have been transformed into t-shirt and cycle shops. Temporary saloons add to the many that are already established. The roar of bikes is beginning to echo through the hills. By Friday, this party should be in full throttle.

Our motel, a step back into old Germany named The Bavarian Inn, is the only one we have booked in advance for this trip. After the trauma of air travel and lack of sleep, we checked in early. A very German dinner at the restaurant here, on a balcony by ourselves, watching the sun set over black granite, let us celebrate again our joy of riding into the wind together.  The gift of the promise of another adventure was presented to Jules on his birthday. We are both so grateful.

O'Hare Breakfast

 Rapid City Airport


              The Black Hills Begin

                Somewhere in the Black Hills ....

Keystone to Hill City Train

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